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Eddy current sensors and transmitters
  • ESP1 Series eddy current sensor ESP1 Series eddy current sensor

    ESP1 Series eddy current sensor

    Characteristic -24V power supply,-2 to -18V output

    Probe selection(mm) Φ5 | Φ8 | Φ11 | Φ18 | Φ25

    Range selection 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 10

    linearity ≤1%

    Resolution(um) ±1 | ±1 | ±2 | ±5 | ±10

    Market Steam turbine industry

  • ESH2 series eddy current sensor ESH2 series eddy current sensor

    ESH2 series eddy current sensor

    Characteristic -24V power supply,-2 to -18V output

    Range selection(mm) Φ5 | Φ8 | Φ11 | Φ18 | Φ25 | Φ40,Support extended range

    Range selection 2 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 20

    linearity ≤1%

    Resolution(um) ±1 | ±1 | ±2 | ±5 | ±10 | ±20

    Market Steam turbine industry

  • ESF3 Series Eddy current sensor (replace Bentley) ESF3 Series Eddy current sensor (replace Bentley)

    ESF3 Series Eddy current sensor (replace Bentley)

    Characteristic -24V power supply,-2 to -18V output

    Probe selection(mm) Φ8 | Φ11

    Range selection 2 | 4

    linearity ≤1%

    Resolution(um) ±1 | ±2

    Market Steam turbine industry

  • VH990 Two-wire shaft vibration transmitter VH990 Two-wire shaft vibration transmitter

    VH990 Two-wire shaft vibration transmitter

    Characteristic -24V power supply,two-wire system

    Probe selection Φ5 | Φ8

    Range selection(um/p-p) 100 | 200 | 400(optional)

    linearity ≤1%

    Resolution(um) 0.5um

    Market Compressors, small machinery and other industries

  • VH991 Two-wire axis displacement transmitter VH991 Two-wire axis displacement transmitter

    VH991 Two-wire axis displacement transmitter

    Characteristic -24V power supply,4 to 20mA output,two-wire system

    Probe selection Φ5 | Φ8 | Φ11

    Range selection(mm) 1.2 | 1.4 | 1.6 | 2 | 4

    linearity ≤1%

    Resolution(um) ±1 | ±2

    Market Compressors, small machinery and other industries

  • VH890 Three wire shaft vibration transmitter VH890 Three wire shaft vibration transmitter

    VH890 Three wire shaft vibration transmitter

    Characteristic -24V power supply,4 to 20mA output,three-wire system,output with voltage buffer

    Probe selection Φ5 | Φ8 | Φ11

    Range selection(mm/P-P) 100 | 200 | 400(optional)

    linearity ≤1%

    Resolution(um) 0.5um

    Market Compressors, small machinery and other industries

  • VH891 Three wire axis displacement transmitter VH891 Three wire axis displacement transmitter

    VH891 Three wire axis displacement transmitter

    Characteristic -24V power supply,4 to 20mA output,three-wire system,output with voltage buffer

    Probe selection Φ5 | Φ8 | Φ11 | Φ18 | Φ25

    Range selection(mm) 1 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 10

    linearity ≤1%

    Resolution(um) ±1 | ±1 | ±1 | ±2 | ±4 | ±10 |

    Market Compressors, small machinery and other industries

  • DM1 Series positive power eddy current sensor DM1 Series positive power eddy current sensor

    DM1 Series positive power eddy current sensor

    Characteristic -24V(+15V) power supply,±5V|0 to 5V|0 to 10V|4 to 20mA output

    Probe selection Φ5 | Φ8 | Φ11 | Φ18 | Φ25

    Range selection(mm) 1 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 10

    linearity ≤1%

    Resolution(um) ±1 | ±1 | ±1 | ±2 | ±4 | ±10 |

    Market Industrial machinery survey

  • DH2 Series of high precision eddy current sensor DH2 Series of high precision eddy current sensor

    DH2 Series of high precision eddy current sensor

    Characteristic -24V(+15V) output,±5V|0 to 5V|0 to 10V|4 to 20mA output

    Probe selection Φ3 |Φ5 | Φ8 | Φ11 | Φ18 | Φ25 | Φ40 | Φ60,Support extended range

    Range selection(mm) steel 2 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 20 | 32
    aluminum 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 8 | 10 | 16

    linearity ≤0.2%

    Resolution(um) Optional according to bandwidth, up to 0.05um

    Market High precision measurement

Contact us

Company address:Building A, 2nd Floor, Building B, No.485 Minqiang Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai

Company telephone:021-64752570

Corporate facsimile:021-64753069

Sales call:13801968092

Technical consultation:13975173523



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